“Every year, it’s always my goal to read the entire Bible.”
That’s what the Pastor said and it caught my attention. Of course, he’s a pastor so it’s easier for him to read. I reflected on that and it really challenged and motivated me so much.
I realized that if I have time to read other books, watch videos online or browse the social media, then I have time to read the Bible.
If you are being led by the Holy Spirit to read the entire Bible in a year, here are my tips for you:
1. Warriors Don’t Go to Battles Unprepared
Yes! Warriors always prepare for the battle so should you. The minute you decide to read the Word and learn more about Jesus, the enemy will pay more attention to you. This is your spiritual battle so it is very important to Identify your plan or strategy.
When our pastor challenged us this, he shared a plan to read the Bible in a Chronological order. This really appeals to me because I’ll be able to understand it better as if just reading a book series.
The plan is called “One Year Chronological Bible.” You can print it and put it in your Bible or you can download it through your phone. You can also find different plans online from reputable Christian websites.
The most important thing is to have a roadmap so you don’t waste time thinking about what to read. The plan looks too much to read in a day but many of them overlap so it’s easy to understand.
2. There’s a Reason Carpenters Have Toolbox
“If the axe is dull and he does not sharpen its edge, then he must exert more strength. Wisdom has the advantage of giving success.” – Ecclesiastes 10:10
There’s a reason why carpenters have toolboxes or even any other occupation. It makes them efficient to do their jobs.
There are many parts in the Bible that are difficult to understand especially if you are a beginner or if you are new in reading it. It will be helpful to build your own toolbox which is your “reference library”.
You can always start with a Study Bible. I suggest that you treat it as an investment because it explains certain parts in simple terms. Choose a version that you are most comfortable reading.
My first Study Bible was given to me by my mother-in-law. Prior to that, I didn’t really read the Old Testament too much because there are so many things that are hard for my brain to wrap around.
By using the Study Bible, I am learning the parallelisms and symbolisms that exist from the Old Testament and New Testament. It also gives background from a historical perspective to give you more ideas about what you are reading.
You can also buy a used Study Bible if you are looking for extra savings. You can also borrow from the library or someone you know just to have a feeling of it before investing on a version you want.
3. Make the Word Come Alive By Interacting With It
“For the Word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow, it judges the thoughts and hearts.” – Hebrews 4:12
As you read, write questions that jump out and ask your pastor or a mature believer for some insights. Be careful that you are not being misled. We can easily listen to many things these days and can be unknowingly misled by others.
I usually don’t get the answers to my questions right away but by writing them down, it gives me the opportunity to interact with the Bible better. I later find out answers from the Word itself also through cross references on the other part of readings.
It is also wise to write down reflections so you will somehow remember what you are reading or the main message you got for that day. I usually keep all my questions and reflections in one simple journal.
4. Find Someone Who’s Willing to Take the Journey With You
It’s always fun to do something when you have someone to share it with or bounce back information. Find an accountability partner to read with you. Having an accountability partner will help you keep track on your progress and also remind you to keep reading.
When our pastor challenged us, I gave him my email address. He sends out some emails to encourage us to keep reading.I also shared the plan to my sisters and they are also very excited to try it. We are living in four different countries so we keep each other accountable online.
Find someone to read with you so you will be motivated and encouraged to keep going.
5. Find Out What Works Best For You
Find out the best time of the day where you feel most inspired to read it. I usually read early morning but when the pandemic hits around March, I find myself reading more every night. Timing might change depending on your circumstance.
The most important thing is to find time in your day to open and read your Bible.
Accommodate also for possible days where your schedule will be a little different like holidays or vacation. That way you can read more when you have a lighter schedule so you will still remain on track
You Don’t Have to Wait for Next Year
Remember that if you decide to do the One Year Bible plan, you don’t have to wait for January to start. You can treat today as January 1 and follow along.
This habit tremendously helps me gain clarity in my days and get closer to Jesus. I believe it will also do the same for you.
Do not get intimidated even if you are afraid to commit to one year. I realized that when you start reading the Word, you’ll be more excited to read some more.
Hi! I’m Kaye, a journal enthusiast. My blog is dedicated to sharing practical tips to help you gain clarity and purpose as you get closer to Jesus. Read along!
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